مقالات محیط زیست

Geochemical distribution and fate of arsenic in water and sediments of rivers from the Hokusetsu area, Japan
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies (2017)
Emilie Even, Harue Masuda, Takahiro Shibata, Aki Nojima, Yusuke Sakamoto, Yusuke Murasaki, Hitoshi Chiba
STUDY REGION Hokusetsu Region in Osaka, Japan. STUDY FOCUS The As contamination was investigated through the geochemical mapping and analysis of river waters and bed sediments over an area of 440km2. Sulfur from sulfides in rocks and dissolved sulfates in water were compared via isotopic analysis to assess their origin and the subsequently released As. The fate of As (transport, binding on settling particles) was evaluated through the total and dissolved fractions of As and trace metals Fe, Mn and Al in river waters. NEW HYDROLOGICAL INSIGHTS FOR THE REGION The geochemical mapping showed that As in river water exceeded the maximum limit concentration of 10ppb in several places. The highest As levels (waters and sediments) correlated well with the surface geologies, concentrating in a halo around granitic intrusion and nearby faults. The isotopic analysis of sulfur revealed the occurrence of two kinds of sulfide mineralizations responsible for As contamination: one from Late Paleozoic submarine volcanism in sedimentary rocks, and one from Late Cretaceous igneous activities in contact-metamorphosed rocks disseminated with sulfides. The transport of As along river courses occurred mainly as a dissolved species rather than absorbed on Fe/Mn/Al particles, signifying the least role of iron oxy-hydroxides in As adsorption.
Urbanization impact on sulfur content of groundwater revealed by the study of urban speleothem-like deposits: Case study in Paris, France
Science of The Total Environment (2016)
A Particular River-Whiting Phenomenon Caused by Discharge of Hypolimnetic Water from a Stratified Reservoir
PloS one (2015)
Brominated and phosphorus flame retardants in White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla nestlings: bioaccumulation and associations with dietary proxies (δ¹³C, δ¹5N and δ³4S)
The Science of the total environment (2014)

اطلاعات تماس

اراک - میدان بسیج - بلوار کربلا - دانشگاه اراک - آزمایشگاه مرکزی- مرکز تحقیقات ایزوتوپهای پایدار

Email: sir.lab.araku@gmail.com

تلفن : ۳۲۶۲۲۸۲۲ ۰۸۶ - ۳۲۶۲۲۸۲۰ ۰۸۶


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